Please join the Mary River Festival Committee (auspiced by the Save The Mary River Coordination Group Inc) to present the annual celebration of Mary River communities, at Mary River Festival 2024. As always we will join in festival to celebrate our river environment and the diverse lifestyles sustained along the length and breadth of the Mary River. We also hope this year to showcase the growth and diversity of local businesses within the Mary River region.
This years line-up will see a continuance of the arts/craft and local produce market as well as a selection of environmental displays, food stalls, workshops and entertainment.
Please note that your application is subject to availability of stall sites and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions that govern participation in the event.
Please read below for Criteria and Conditions

* Stall Applications close 24th May 2024
* Approved Stalls will be notified by 16th June 2023
* Stall Fees to be paid by Sunday 30th June 2023, invoice will be issued once your stall has been approved.
Stall acceptance is on the basis of being compatible with the general character and objectives of the Mary River Festival. Preference will be given to stalls that have an environmental, educational and community focus including demonstrations where visitor engagement is possible. For food stalls, preference will be given to stalls that focus on healthy, possible organic, local/regional produce and family/budget friendly prices.
All businesses participating in the Festival must comply with the following criteria:
• MRF reserves the right to refuse an application or remove any exhibitor whose display of goods or services is not likely to be, in the reasonable opinion of MRF, compatible with the general character and objectives of the Festival.
• Environmental awareness of the river.
• Vibrant, friendly and safe festival.
• Showcasing local creativity, projects, ideas, resources, and culture.
• Market stalls and businesses located within the Mary River catchment area will be given preference – MRF committee reserves the right to decide.
• All products are produced according to the criteria of good, clean and fair.
• Only products that are specified on your application form and approved by MRF can be displayed and sold on your site. Other products and/or services not included in your application form may be displayed or sold on your site with prior permission from MRF.
• Packaging used by stallholders should be biodegradable i.e. NO plastic bags, plastic cups/plates/cutlery/straws etc. In an effort to reduce the waste going to landfill we request that only compostable food service items or packaging be used. Bio Pack is one supplier.
• Lodgement of a stall application does not imply automatic acceptance as a stallholder, as the organisers strive to create a well-balanced non-competitive event.
• Stallholders must supply their own marquee, chairs, tables etc.
• Two complimentary tickets will be given per stall, unless negotiated with the organisers.
• All stall holders must supply relevant copies of Public Liability Insurance ($20M), Food Licences & COVID Safe plan where applicable.
• All Vendors must include copies of current public liability insurance and relevant food hygiene Licence and Food Service certificates with stall application.
• All Vendors are responsible for the supply of their own electrical power leads and equipment, which must comply with Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Testing and displaying current inspection tags.
• Leads must be covered to avoid trip hazards and be protected from rain.
• Gas cylinders must carry current, in date, Certification labels.
• Random checks on electrical leads and gas cylinders will occur, with defective items removed from festival site.
• All Vendors are responsible for bulk rubbish removal from their allocated site and must leave site in a clean and tidy state.
• All Vendors are required to present a clean and tidy stall and remove from site vehicles not in use, no later than 30 minutes prior to commencement time of festival (9am).
• Stalls must be erected in a safe and competent manner and comply with safety standards, and consideration be given to wet weather contingencies.
• All marquees/tents must be secured by 10mm diameter x 150mm long pegs or 15kg fixed weight on each corner. Trip hazards from tent pegs must be covered and clearly marked.
• All Vendors agree to abide by any direction given by Mary River Festival Coordinating Committee, Convenors, and Gympie Regional Council officers in relation to risk management of their site.
• Speed limit on site is 10kph.
• Dog on leash allowed on site at owners risk.
• Footwear must be worn while on site.
• The Festival site is a Smoke Free Zone. Designated Outdoor Smoking Areas (DOSA) will be allocated.
• Vehicle movement within festival site between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm is restricted.
• Site access is available from 6.00am to 8.30am. (No vehicle movement within site after 8.30am unless by application)
Stall fees* will be priced on size, with the exception of food vendors and community or environment groups or not-for-profit organisations.
• Table or small stand set up - $20
• 3mx3m - $50
• 6mx3m - $80
• Food Vendor - $100 (those licensed to sell food and drinks)
• Community/environment/not-for-profit groups – Donation (demonstrating or providing interactive activity preferred)
*Fee can be waived if demonstrating or providing interactive activity
No site fee refunds will be paid in the case of inclement weather or COVID lockdown restrictions. The organizer, regardless of weather conditions, must pay all advertising and promotion costs.