The Mary River Festival is an opportunity for a playful celebration of the unique environment and vibrant communities that exists along the Mary River.
Our mission is to increase the awareness of the unique Mary River environment through recreation and celebration.
We are committed to empowering the communities along the Mary River by showcasing local creativity, projects, ideas, resources, culture that enhance and protect the unique environment of the Mary River catchment, while featuring
workshops and exhibits, entertainment and children’s activities in a festival atmosphere.
We strive to Inform, Entertain and Inspire.

We would love your company and your assistance and there are a variety of ways you can help out for the Festival (MRF)
From early July - 11th July 2023
. Putting up signs, promotions around the region. From Kenilworth, Gympie and beyond.
Thurs 11th and Friday 12th July 2024
. Site Preparation / putting up marquees/ Site decoration/Placing tables and chairs/ lunch for volunteers.
Saturday 13th July 2024
Tree planting / Gate Keepers / Placing tables and chairs / Traffic Marshals / Site decoration / Crowd control / Checking toilets / Stage assistance / Workshop assistance / Stalls assistance / Survey / Documenting / Meet and greet Sponsors.
Sunday 14th July 2024
Pull down and pack marquees / clean up grounds / return equipment/BBQ
Monday 15th July 2024
. Return marquees (trailer required)
Other ways you can help:
. Bringing audiences, spreading the word
. Promoting through your networks
. Sponsor or partner, or help seek sponsors and partners
. and being there on the day.
Thank you for your interest and support in the Mary River Festival
Register your interest by email to: maryriverfestival@gmail.com with subject line – 'Volunteering for festival'